Welcome to the Rashba family

Jeffrey and Timur Rashba

Emmanuel Rashba on Rashba street in Jerusalem

Edith Verbitzsky, daughter of Pearl Rashba, American Rashba branch


View of Cervera, Spain. The Adret family lived in Cervera until the 15th century. The Rashba bible was created in Cervera and was owned by the grandson of Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet. 

Welcome to the Rashba family web site.


We are an Ashkenazi Jewish family who traces our ancestry back to the famous Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet (known by the Hebrew acronym  רשב׳׳א "RaShBA"), who lived from 1235 to 1310 C.E. and was the Chief Rabbi of Barcelona and a leading Talmudic scholar in Jewish history.  Our pride in this ancestry has brought together Rashbas from different continents in a collaborative effort to trace our family tree. To date our efforts have identified a common forefather from 1720, Yakov Rashba, who lived in White Church (Biala Cirkva) Ukraine. We have also found information corroborating our family history, indicating that our family left Spain due to to the Inquisition, settled in the Ottoman Empire and that we are a branch that moved to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th century.  We have also communicated with members of the Benadretti family, Turkish Jews who also claim ancestru from Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet and are likely the branch that stayed in the Ottoman Empire.     

This site contains family stories, pictures, and documents unearthed from archives in Spain and Ukraine.


 About the Rashba family history project


The Rashba family history project was started by Jeffrey Rashba (USA, New Haven). He created a family tree and found Russian Rashba families including Timur Rashba.  Timur got involved and found new relatives to develop a more extensive family tree. Irina Kunina(Irit Rashba) conducted research in Kiev archives and reconnected all Russian and American Rashba families. Irina also visited Barcelona and collected Aragon archive information about theAdret family in the 13th, 14 th and 15 th centuries. Mark Rashba from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine collected data about the Rashba family from Ukraine. 


We hope that this website will help us to connect with even more members of our family tree after hundreds of years being separated in many countries.

We  are  looking  for  info  about families  in Spain  and  Italy that may have conections to us. 


Please contact us if you have questions:


New Jersey, USA

Ross Krublit (English)

Irina Kunina (Russian and English)


Barcelona, Spain

 Maria Jose (Spanish and English)


In Spanish:



Soy Irit Rashba(Kunina).  Estoy visitando España para buscar información sobre la historia de mi familia.  Mis familiares afirman que somos parientes del Rabbi Shlomo ben Adret (RaShbA).

Yo represento a la gran familia Rashba, con ramas en Rusia, Estados Unidos e Israel.  Estoy investigando a la familia Adret cuando vivió en España y despues de salir de España. Estoy buscando personas que me puedan ayudar a encontrar esta información, libros u otros materiales que contengan esta información, incluyendo archivos españoles

Cualquier ayuda sera apreciada.  Puedo pagar por esta informacion.


Have a look around our website and get to know our family.

Please  look at  Rashba art page  for Rashba family artists Rashba art

If you want to drop a line you can always write in the  contact page

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