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We regret to announce that Emmanuel Rashba passed away January 12, 2025.
One of our family members applied for Spanish citizenship in March 2017.
New info about Spanish law of return
presentation was recieved in
March 20 2017.
Ross Krublit started to maintain the site in April 2017.
Irina Kunina stepped down from her active role in the family project in April 2017.
In August 2016 one of the American family member confirmed that Rashba family moved to Ukraine from Turkey where they worked as interpretors. That proved our connection to Spanish Jews.
New Law of return was passed in December 2012 to allow Sephardim to return to Spain. Please look for info on the page regarding the new law
Our Web site was created in January 2012.
New families found us on internet in 2012
Family of Zina Rashba joined in April 2012, Emmanuel Rashba family, Ovsey Rashba branch
Olga Pilikina joined in July 2012, family of Ida Rashba, daughter of Mordehay Rashba
Joey BenAdretti joined in August 2012, Adret family from Turkey
Julia Rashba joined in September 2012, family of Eugene Rashba, Mordehay branch
Ross Krublit joined in October 2012, Shmul Rashba American family, Mordehay branch
Jeffrey Rashba started the family tree
Timur Rashba continue to develop Rashba family tree
Irene Kunina(Irit Rashba) joined the project in 2004
Irene visited Barcelona in June 2005 and collected info about Adret family in Girona Museum, established contacts with Maria Jose
In December 2005 Nadezshda Rashba sent Irene Sotheby catalog with info about Rashba bible sold in December 1989
Research was conducted in Kiev archives in January, April 2006 and reconnected all Russian and American Rashba
Irene visited Barcelona in June 2006 and collected info in Aragon archives about Adret family. Irene visted Cervera archives
In June 2006 British museum sent info about Rashba bible related to exhibition of Sassoon collection in British library in 1982. Jeffrey Rashba saw Rashba bible in London on that time
On August 13 2006 Rashba family organized first Family reunion in the house of Malcolm Rashba, father of Jeffrey Rashba. Jeffrey visited US on that time
On March 2011 IIJG institute published the Cervera report of Maria Jose that covered the the history of Adret family in 14, 15 centuries in Spain (www.iijg.org)
On May 2011 the History Museum of Barcelona offered the Rashba exhibition
Ross Krublit did extensive research of his family history.
Maria Jose published the second phase of Cervera report for Jewish Genealogy Institute in Jerusalem